Accredited CAB within Europe
February 2023 Statistics
Founded in early 2016, the council is composed of 18 CAB-members and herwith covers approx. two thirds of all EU eIDAS/ETSI accredited CAB:
ACAB'c members support and assess more than two thirds of all European qualified TSP and Service Provider for qualified TSP.
From a different perspective, ACAB'c conducts qualification activities in more than 90% of the European countries with avtive qualified TSP:
Beyond these figures, ACAB'c has established an MoU with ETSI in order to strengthen our collaboration and align our views.
Regarding ENISA, we also have well-established contacts. Again, our aim with this key expanding partner on the European scene is to propose our expertise in the field of eIDAS certification.
And beyond Europe?
ACAB'c is an associate member of the CA/B Forum and takes part as such in the strategic discussions held on this stage.
In that respect, ACAB'c has designated its permanent representatives to systematically participate in the main CA/B Forum meetings all around the world.